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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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A Busy Time in Primary Two

12th Apr 2016

Our topic in January was 'Night and Day' and we learned all about nocturnal animals. We read the story 'Owl Babies' and acted it out for the other children in Key Stage 1. We looked at the famous painting 'Starry Night' by Van Gogh and made our own versions.

On Pancake day we tried a selection of different toppings and made a graph showing our favourite. Strawberry jam was the most popular. Our mummies and daddies were delighted with the beautiful Valentine's cards we made; and not long after that they received Mother's day cards. We are great artists.

Our next topic was 'Castles and Fairy Tales'. We dressed up as kings and queens. We made crowns and constructed our own castles from boxes we recycled.

We were very lucky to be invited down to the Central Library to meet the illustrator Paul Howard. He showed us his book and even drew a special drawing just for us.

Before Easter we went on a Spring Walk round our school grounds. We found lots of frog spawn in the pond. We will check later on to see what happens to it.

After Easter, we went on a special visit to Tesco's. We learned all about where our food comes from. We tasted different cheeses and fruits and were even allowed to work on the tills.