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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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Another busy term for P7!

8th Feb 2016

After a busy autumn term, Primary 7 continues to be full of interesting and stimulating new experiences. In World Around Us we are studying Newspapers and Climatic regions, going on to investigate volcanoes, earthquakes and other earth related issues. We are extending storywriting skills and reinforcing number work in Numeracy. Our Sentinus Smart Energy project starts on Tuesday 9th February, with an engineer linked to the school to help us. We experienced the Armagh Rhymers spinning yarns and getting pupils to perform songs and poems . Crest Science classes are continuing throughout the term and Maiden City are helping us out with various sports skills. Confirmation takes place on Sunday 21st February. We will be taking part in Chinese New Year celebrations in The Guildhall, with the rest of Key Stage 2, on Wednesday 10th February. P7 Coyle pupils are researching for their own projects and will present them to the class and display them for the school, when finished. They look great! We wish all families well as they have now decided on their list of secondary schools with Mr Sheridan, with great sympathy for the long wait for confirmation of places.