Christmas at the Movies KS1
Please note doors will not open until 9.40. Parents/Carers will not be admitted to school before that time.
There will be a Foyle Hospice Coffee Morning in the school canteen from 9am until the show starts. All are welcome to attend and wait until the doors open at 9.40am.
Funds raised will be shared with the school. The cost will be £3 per person for a tea/coffee and scone and a strip of tickets for the hamper draw.
Can you let us know about anyone with mobility issues in advance and they can use the door beside the ASC.
As you are aware parking remains an issue, we ask that if possible that you park in Brooke Park and walk down if spaces are available. We can facilitate car parking in school grounds for elderly grandparents and we can open up our school playground for extra spaces.
Model Primary and Nursery School, Northland Rd, Derry, BT48 7HJ | Phone: 028 7126 2188