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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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Letter from Mrs Ramsey

18th Apr 2020

Dear Parents,

I hope you managed to make the most of the Easter break under lockdown and that you are all keeping safe and well.  Fortunately, the weather was good which always makes things easier.

When we shut down initially we sent out Learning Packs. Some of you will have had more success in completing these than others due to your own individual circumstances. I understand that many of you are also trying to work from home You can continue to work on these and teachers will signpost particular activities over the coming weeks from the packs.

From Monday,20th April each teacher will email you on a Monday morning with an overview for the week directly linked to the planning for that week of the year.  It is so important to keep the up the continuity.

You may also be signposted to relevant links, useful resources etc. to aid with teaching.  Children then have a week to complete the work set at your own pace.  You will be sent links to printable resources for that week.  I understand that some families do not have access to a printer. If this is the case, please email your class teacher and we can arrange to have these printed out on a Monday and available for collection between 12 and 2pm.

Worksheets for the following week must be requested on the Friday before. Please only make a request as a last resort as it is not possible to print worksheets for everyone. We have limited staff in school due to Government guidance.

Continue with Mathletics and Purple Mash activities as set by your child’s teacher. These will also be linked to the plan for the week.

The school is remaining open for children of keyworkers. If you fall into the keyworker category and require childcare please fill in the keyworker form on the website and forward to and we will consider your request.

Thank you for your continued support during these difficult times.