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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Model PS Open Day Monday 13th January 2025 2.15pm - 6.00pm. Click the link for our Open Day Video [Model School Open Day]
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Mentoring in P4/5L

8th Feb 2016


One of the benefits in being part of a composite class is that the children can learn from each other. The older children act as mentors for the younger children, sharing their knowledge and experiences. This builds confidence and management skills. In turn the younger children benefit from learning from their peers and very much enjoy this experience.

One recent project the children did together was designing and making a moving puppet. In pairs of P4 and P5 the children went through the whole design process. They discussed their designs, planned out what the puppet would look like and made it together. Afterwards the children evaluated what they did and talked about what could have been done better.

Here are some examples of their work.