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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry

New Principal

7th Jun 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to announce that Mrs Julie O’Loughlin has been appointed as the next Principal of The Model Primary School.

Mrs O’ Loughlin has been working in The Model for the last 25 years.

Many of you will know her in her capacity as SENCO in school and she has worked tirelessly alongside many of our families to get the best outcome for children with additional needs in our school.
She is currently KS1 coordinator and a member of our Senior Leadership Team.

She is passionate about the school and alongside the staff will continue to strive to make the Model a great school.

Mrs O’Loughlin will take up her position on 31st August officially and we will work together on a handover during the Summer.

It has been a privilege to have worked in The Model for the past 31 years and to have had the opportunity to manage the school. I am proud of our growing numbers in The Model and of the lovely positive feedback I receive about our school.

The support from parents has been overwhelming.

I will miss the children first and foremost. They put a smile on my face every day.

Mrs Ramsey