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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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2015/2016 School Year

8th Feb 2016
After a busy Autumn term, the children have begun learning about the Romans in their...
8th Feb 2016
Primary 4 children had a visit from Nikki Yau from the Chinese Community on...
8th Feb 2016
We had a brilliant day learning about the Solar System and making rockets, whoosh.............
8th Feb 2016
As a class we learned about the different phases of the moon. The children worked...
8th Feb 2016
Our assembly focussed on learning styles. We are a mixture of visual, auditory and...
8th Feb 2016
After a busy autumn term, Primary 7 continues to be full of interesting and stimulating...
8th Feb 2016
Primary 5 began Crest Science in the Autumn term and are currently...
8th Feb 2016
Primary 4/5 L have been enjoying their topic work so far this term! They have been...
28th Jan 2016
Primary 4 children had a visit from Nikki Yau from the Chinese Community on...
6th Jan 2016
Primary 4 will be getting a special visitor as part of their topic Celebrations....