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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Model PS Open Day Monday 13th January 2025 2.15pm - 6.00pm. Click the link for our Open Day Video [Model School Open Day]
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Online Petition

16th Nov 2018

Dear Parent

As you are aware, the current funding crisis in Education is reaching critical point. You received a letter two weeks ago informing you of the real issues that schools are facing. This letter was sent out to the parents of every Primary School child in Derry.

The situation is very bleak for all schools. Our school is no exception. We will, of course, try to manage the situation as best we can to ensure we continue to provide your children with the best possible Education.

The local Principals’ Association have now decided to launch a petition which we would ask that you sign. This petition will be presented by Mr John Boyle, Mayor of Derry & Strabane District Council, to Mr Derek Baker, Permanent Secretary for Education and the Right Honourable Karen Bradley MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. The petition calls for ‘appropriate’ funding to be restored immediately.

The petition is currently live and will close next Thursday, 22nd November. Please find below the link to the petition.


The school will also put the link on our website and Facebook page. It will be necessary to provide your name, e-mail address and post-code. You will not be contacted following this submission. Please share this link with family and friends – the more support we can muster, the greater evidence schools will have as we strive to address this funding crisis.

On behalf of the school, we thank you for your support in our attempts to resolve this crucial matter which has the potential to impact your child.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Michelle Ramsey
