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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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Relax Kids in P3

8th Mar 2016

Primary 3 children are taking part in a six week Relax Kids program.

Relax Kids uses relaxation techniques to help children recognise their strengths and manage their emotional journey through life. The relaxation techniques provide a toolbox of skills which can be transferred into later life. If children can learn to be calm under pressure at a young age, then they stand in good stead for their adult life. Supports physical health develops body awareness, flexibility and relaxes muscles decreases physical tension, releases endorphins and calms the nervous system boosts energy levels and circulation and immune system improves sleep. Supports mental health

It stills, calms and clears the minds, sharpens concentration and focus improves memory retention. Reduces stress and tension Increases positive thinking. Stimulates imagination and creativity Supports emotional well-being. Develops self-confidence P
romotes positivity and self-esteem. Increases emotional literacy. Builds emotional resilience. Provides tools to cope with stress and anxiety. Increases happiness and optimism. (Taken from

The children are enjoying the opportunity to relax and meditate through the affirmations and visualisations. Mrs McDaid is enjoying it too!