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Model Primary and Nursery School, Derry
Swimming Lesson for P5 to P7 commence on Tuesday 10th September. Timetable is available under parent tab on home page
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School Development Plan 2016/17 (Abridged Version)

5th May 2017

Model Primary School Development Plan 2016/17

Dear Parents,

Each year, we work together to make improvements in our school. This year we have been working on these areas to improve our school through our school development planning process. We have also analysed the responses to our parent questionnaire. We were delighted to receive so much positive feedback and we have been proactive in including many of your suggestions in our plans. This is an “at a glance” vision of developments which we have implemented in this current school year.

Becoming more child centred


To explore how the school deals with discipline issues.

Staff rota for lunchtime supervision to support dinner ladies.

Anti-bullying leaflet for parents outlining how the school deals with bullying issues.

School Council

To strengthen the role of the school council through fortnightly meetings.

To set up playground buddies.


Our aim is for all children to be at school for 95% of the time or more. The VP meets with the Educational Welfare Officer on a half termly basis to discuss ways of improving attendance.

Mental Health

“Helping Hands “Programme to continue in P6.

Anti-Bullying/Keeping safe week.

Anti-Bullying leaflet for parents.


One Stop Shop transition programme for P7.

Hope Project.

Improving Teaching and Learning


A consistent approach to planning in Literacy and Numeracy with a specific focus on differentiation and evaluation. Introduce a new Topic planner from P1 – P7.

To ensure the planning informs classroom practice, is progressive and meets the needs of the children.


In the Nursery to improve the quality of provision both indoors and outdoors and develop the children’s language skills, independence, creativity and imagination.

Nursery Cluster Groups.


To ensure ICT assessment tasks are being used throughout KS2.

CPD coding.

Maths Talk Display in each classroom being used as a teaching and learning tool.

To ensure there is clear progression in writing in Literacy.


Marking for improvement evident across all year groups.

Parents provided with Information leaflet outlining marking strategies from P1 to P7.

Improving Leadership and Management

School Development Planning.

School Development Planning training for staff.

A whole school evaluation has been carried out and a school development plan for 2016- 19 has been created.

Working Groups.

Cluster groups for Nursery, Numeracy and Planning.

A subcommittee within the Board of Governors to liaise with curriculum co-ordinators on a termly basis.

Monitoring and Evaluating our Provision

Monitoring and evaluating to be robust in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT.

Termly progress reports, annual schedules and findings shared with staff and Board of Governors.

Training for Staff.

Mrs Ramsey to attend Vice Principal training programme. Vice Principal and Literacy co-ordinator to attend Leadership programmes.

Thinking and Talking in Maths.

Global Awareness Training (World Around us Co-ordinator).Scratch Training for staff.

Making better links with the Community

Improving Links with parents.

Questionnaires issued to parents.

Curriculum Information sessions for parents to begin September ’17.

Books continue to go home.

Quick response to parent queries via telephone call or meeting.

Text messaging service and website.

Reestablishment of Parent Teacher Association 2017/18.

Clubs provision.

Provide parents with information on clubs already in school.

Explore ways that we can increase and improve upon this provision in 2017/18.


Extended Services

Weekly fruit.

Homework Club.

Breakfast Club.

Judo club.

Flamenco club.


Improving links with wider school community.

Our school is in a centrally located position in the city and our children have numerous opportunities to become involved in the local community.

Improved links with other nurseries.

Attending cluster groups with other schools to share good practice.

Science link with NWRC and other secondary schools. Ongoing links with University of Ulster.

Outer West Neighbourhood Renewal Forum.

Outer West education Forum.