The Model PS and Nursery Unit Present - Holly Jolly Christmas Sing Along and Story of the Nativity (P1 to P3 and Nursery)
Our annual Christmas show takes place on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th December at 10am.
Tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis and will cost £5. Please note there will be a 4 ticket limit this year to ensure all families get an opportunity to see the show. If spare tickets are available, we will put a message on the school app.
Tickets will be on sale from MONDAY 25th NOVEMBER.
Please note door will open at 9.40. Parents/Carers will not be admitted to school before that time.
There will be a Foyle Hospice Coffee Morning in the school canteen from 9am until the show starts. All are welcome to attend and wait until the doors open at 9.40am.
Funds raised will be shared with the school. The cost will be £3 per person for a tea/coffee and scone and a strip of tickets for the hamper draw.